Kamis, 06 Januari 2011


When I started to venture into the world of forex, there are a few local traders that I knew. They are either seasoned or newbie like me back then but now it seems that most of them are gone. They are no longer in the land of forex and they are doing something else. It seems the saying is true. Most people will not survive the 1st 6 months in forex. Those who survive the 1st 6 months will have a tough 2 years. Some people lasted longer but they no longer trade. They have become and IB living on commission. One person whom I know doing that is henrycarol. Before he was an IB for Northfinance, now he is an IB for a different broker. Personally I do not think he trade anymore. This is because the commission is too small compared to profit in forex. If you cannot profit, then your option is taking...


This is one thing that I hate most. A lot of people asking for my trading system. I know what they are going to do with it. They will take the hard work of many years, code it into an expert advisor and let it run on automatic trade. For those of you who already has a succesfull system, you may share similliar view. Unfortunately for those who are still looking for a profitable way to trade, this is one of their easiest option. I dont blame them, creating a profitable system is not an easy task. It takes years to develop and test a system with no guarantee of success. For those of you still looking for a way to be profitable in forex, there are system available on the internet. One of them is Zulutrade. Zulutrade is a place where signal providers (like me) test out their trade system with...

Rabu, 29 Desember 2010


Forex is not a quick rich scheme. Forex is not easy even though my blog says so. Forex is not a place for newbie Forex is not something you can learn overnight If you needed the money, dont put it in Forex. Seriously. Go somewhere else. Forex is a journey, enjoy it. There is no such thing as holy grail coz there is no perfection in this world. If perfection exist in this world it would be boring. No more room for improvement. Forex is not rocket science. There is no right or wrong. There is only probability. ...


On April 2009, I moved to Kuala Lumpur. A new place requires me to have new schedule. I dont have much time as I would like in front of a PC which means, shorter time for me to trade. It requires me to adapt to the time I have to trade and make a new system. In my quest to adapt my existing system to a new time constraint trading requirement, I accidently stumble onto a new system. Its a very simple system that has shown good result for the month of April and May at the moment. Just to show you what I have stumble upon, here is a screen shot of my demo account that I have used to run the test. It doesn't show high accuracy but it...


On my last post, I was telling you about a new system. I decided to do forward testing. As usual all testing was done on a demo account. No live account was hurt during the testing period. The result as you see is superb. There are actually 2 part of testing. The early trades are done on a shorter time frame, 5 minute to be exact. The later part of testing is done on a longer time frame, 1 hour. I must say the system looks promising on the longer time frame. On the shorter time, I just dont have the time to monitor the trades. As of now the system is running on my live account. At the moment on 4th June my account is up 40%. Hopefully...

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